On 31 May 2014 FKWT responded to an urgent appeal from Mr Hussain (from Damas village) for assistance to emergency treatment on exceptional grounds and whose family circumstances and condition was witnessed personally by the Chairman during his visit to the region. Mr Hussain was found to be critically ill and suffering from an infected, gangrenous and potentially fatal leg injury that was linked to a car accident that happened approximately 3 months earlier. Mr Hussain was the driver in that accident during which his right leg apparently caught fire and was seriously damaged and required emergency specialist hospital treatment. However, Mr HUSSAIN was not able to afford treatment and relied solely on local support and very basic treatment from their remote village health professional, which was later discovered to be very poor, inadequate and unsatisfactory. This lead to Mr Hussains leg becoming highly infected, decomposed and gangrenous, which ultimately left it at the verge of probable amputation. In view of this FKWT immediately sanctioned financial assistance to help provide the necessary emergency support, follow up treatment and hospitalisation at a specialist burns unit at the hospital in Kharia Pakistan where the necessary primary care treatment was given to Mr Hussain. As a result Mr Hussain regained health and his leg was saved.
Total cost for this was approximately £2000.