Thank you so much for your interest in our Sponsor a child programme which we are very much looking forward to supporting you in and which we hope proves to be a very rewarding experience.
We have pleasure in welcoming you as a valued contributor to what is an important initiative of the Feroz Khan Welfare Trust and enclose some important information to help you understand this programme and to process your application. We also enclose details of the prospective family you will be supporting as part of this programme. Please complete the enclosed application form and return to us as soon as possible so that we can initiate the necessary arrangements.
The pack also includes some additional information about the charity and the work it does by way of providing emergency transport services (ambulances) for the critically ill, trauma or accident victims and disabled patients in local communities in and around Damas, Pakistan. We are also running a number of other projects designed to benefit the poorest, deprived and desolate individuals (including the disabled) within local communities by way of providing appropriate aid and assistance. The charity is also involved in various educational, awareness and community development programmes designed to promote self-sustainable communities.
Please feel free to distribute these to friends and family who may be interested in supporting the charity's causes or sponsoring a child.
Why sponsor a child or family?
Child sponsorship provides a way in which you can help to lift a child and their family out of acute poverty, giving them hope for a better future. Through our child sponsorship programme you can build a direct link with a child in Azad Kashmir. For £20 per month a single child will be supplied with provisions of food, fuel, shelter, and water as well as provided educational and medical support. Most importantly the money received ensures that many of these children will not suffer the fate of being forced out to work in order to supplement the family income.
We work directly with our families to ensure that the children receive a sound education and the employment prospects needed to secure a more prosperous and dignified future.
What can I expect from my sponsorship?
As the sponsor of a child, you will receive a quarterly pack containing school reports, payment records, pictures and photos of your child. In addition, we encourage supporters to send packages or gifts to your sponsored child or family. Sponsors are also welcome to visit our local office and their sponsored child or family, and this will undoubtedly be a valuable and rewarding experience for them.
How much does it cost and what amount does my child receive?
To sponsor a single child, orphan or needy individual in Azad Kashmir requires a £20 a month contribution, your contribution will be pooled with that of other sponsors and this is used in the following ways:
70% is given to the family as Direct or indirect Financial Support (by way of providing the essential living necessities)
5% is set aside into the Medical Fund, which is used to pay for the treatment of the child, or any members of their household (in cases of multiple sponsorships), should they require any medical attention. It also covers the cost of an annual check-up for the child.
5% covers the cost of a school uniform and set of school books each year; education in government-run state schools is free in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan, but children are required to provide their own uniforms and books, the cost of which are often unaffordable for poor families.
5% is set aside into the Training Fund, which is used to cover the cost of any vocational training required should the child not achieve good enough grades to attend university. We also use this money to fund training courses for other family members of the child when appropriate.
10% is used for Sponsorship monitoring and management, including covering all the costs associated with the regular welfare visits to the beneficiary's home.
5% is set aside as security for the child or family to cover any on going maintenance costs in the unfortunate event that sponsorship should suddenly cease as a result of unforeseen or unexpected changes in the sponsors personal circumstances (i.e. economical or financial constraints).
Can I decide the gender or age of the child?
Yes, there is an option on the Sponsorship Request Form that enables you to choose an approximate age for the child, along with the gender. Some of our supporters are keen to support a child who is the same age as their own child or grandchild. Once you have completed the request form, our team in Azad Kashmir will do their best to link you up with a child who matches your specifications.
How long does sponsorship last?
If you have decided to sponsor a child then we encourage our supporters to continue to support them through their education and if it's a family then equally we encourage you to support them throughout their welfare and development. There is nothing more rewarding and satisfying than to see your sponsored child achieving their goals and successfully graduating from training courses or university. Knowing that they have a supporter looking out for their interests also brings a strong sense of security to the sponsored child and their family.
However, we understand that economic situations can change and supporters may find it difficult to maintain regular payments, which is why we will set aside an appropriate proportion of your contributions for this purpose. This will allow us to accrue sufficient funds to be able to continue to provide the necessary maintenance for an appropriate period or until a new supporter is paired. In the unfortunate event that sufficient funds have not been accumulated to provide appropriate assistance, then the Feroz Khan Welfare Trust will continue to support the child or family financially for 1 month after the payment has ceased and will place the child or family back on the waiting list. If you do find yourself unable to continue sponsorship, we very much appreciate you letting us know as soon as possible.
I would like to send a letter to my child, what address can I use?
Please send all letters/photos/gifts to our team in Azad kashmir, Pakistan:
PO Bal Damas
Dist Kotli, Tehsil Charoi
AK, Pakistan
Please write the name of your sponsored child on the outside of the envelope and the team will ensure it reaches the family.
My child has graduated. What happens next?
Congratulations! We are always so proud when we see one of beneficiaries successfully completing their education. After graduation, The FKWT will continue to make sponsorship payments to the child for up to 3 months, to ensure they have financial security while they are looking for a job. The team will contact you to let you know the situation and to give you the option of either discontinuing your payments, or beginning the support of a new child or family.
If I pay more than £20, where does the additional money go?
This is entirely dependent on how you would like the additional money used. If we do not receive a specific request, then we will use the money as a General Donation and direct it where it is most needed within the organisation. Many supporters request that we give the extra money to their family each month, and these additional amounts are classified as “Monetary Gifts” and signed for separately.
What is the difference between Private and State schools in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan?
Government-run state schools, which are free to attend, but often have high demands and low resources; children will often attend school in large classes of up to around 50 pupils. In contrast, private schools provide a higher standard of education, in slightly smaller class sizes of up to around 30 pupils. Attendance at these schools can cost from around £5 – £20 per month.
Can I pay for my child to attend private school?
The FKWT is more than happy to facilitate the enrollment of sponsored children in a Private School. This is best done in the Summer, before the start of the school year. It is common for the private schools to enroll the child in a lower grade than the child had been attending at state school. Please contact us if you would like to investigate the possibility of sending your child to a private school.
Are there any other ways in which I can help my sponsored child?
There are plenty of ways in which you can help your sponsored child and their family, from sending a one off monetary gifts or paying for the child to attend private school to installing a tap or paying for house repairs, food or general welfare. Occasionally the Sponsorship Coordinators will flag up something that is of concern to the family within the Home Visit Report included within the information pack.
I have received notification that my sponsored child has dropped out of the programme. Why?
While our team in Azad Kashmir do their best to ensure that all sponsored children are supported until they have reached their full potential, unfortunately we are not always successful. Children may decide to drop out of school, move away from the project areas or even be receiving sponsorship from another organisation. The FKWT Trust has a number of rules which the beneficiaries and their families have agreed to abide by in order to qualify for sponsorship; these are primarily focused around the continuation of education. If the team finds that the child is not abiding by these rules, the team will investigate the situation and provide the family with advice and different options. In general, the team will try to work with the family to find a solution for 3 separate times but if, after this time, no solution is found then the team takes the difficult decision to stop sponsorship for the child. If this happens, you will be contacted by the UK team for a brief update, and the team in Azad Kashmir will send you a close-out report with further details. You can read the guidelines that the Ethiopian team use for their decision making process in this eventuality, here.
Child Sponsorship
Sponsored Child
The FKWT's Child Sponsorship Programme operates on a one-to-one basis, where the child and their family are linked directly to one supporter. In this way, many of our supporters have become quite involved with their family and have been able to witness the changes that their support has made in their lives over time.
Child sponsorship costs £20 (per individual) a month (£240 per year) - this is just over 80p a day, and the equivalent of a monthly treat to the cinema for 2.
Signing for payment
The main component of the Sponsorship Programme is the Direct Financial Support that is provided to the mothers and guardians of our sponsored children each month. This money is used to pay for food, fuel, and shelter, providing much needed support. We closely monitor levels of inflation in Azad Kashmir and adjust the payments when necessary. The mothers and guardians sign a payment form each time they receive their payment, and copies of these are included within the supporter information packs.
School uniforms for beneficiaries
In addition to the monthly payments, each sponsored child receives a school uniform and set of school books at the start of each school year. In Azad kashmir, education at state schools is free but children must wear a school uniform and provide their own resources in order to attend. Costs of these items can be difficult to meet for poor families and by providing them for our sponsored children The FKWT removes this obstacle.
Medical check up
Part of the monthly sponsorship payment is used for the health of the sponsored child and members of their household. The cost for all medical treatment required by the family is reimbursed by The FKWT. Each year the children are given an annual medical check-up at a local health clinic.
Money is also set aside into a training fund that is used to cover the cost of vocational training courses should the child not achieve high enough grades to attend university. The training fund is also extended to cover fees for siblings of sponsored children.
Going on a home visit
Regular home visits are conducted by our staff in AK to ensure that the sponsorship money is used effectively and to discuss any issues that the child or the family may be facing. Staff members provide advice to the families and compile Home Visit Reports that are included within the supporter information packs.