In December 2012 FKWT undertook the responsibility of fully funding the diagnosis and treatment (costing approximately £1000) of Mr Liaqat Ali from Damas, A.K who was found to be suffering from an acute life threatening illness (pancreatic cancer), which had FKWT not funded, then Mr Ali would not have survived. A poor and proud farther, who was struggling desperately to provide for his family and left financially unable to afford the fees to treat this illness. Mr Ali was left in despair and bravely endured a very long period with the pain and agony of this critical and fatal illness which almost took his life had his condition and circumstances not been bought to the attention of FKWT. We immediately sanctioned financial support for Mr Ali to receive urgent medical treatment which fortunately resulted in his life being saved. FKWT took on the responsibility for funding his entire treatment, which took a huge burden off his family. This gave Mr Ali the opportunity to continue to enjoy an active and healthy life.